Rose Oatley is the measure of all things in the Prize of BFT Cognos GmbH
Double hat trick for the 15-year-old German and her pony Daddy Moon
No one will be able to imitate them in a hurry: Rose Oatley and Daddy Moon also won their third competition at the Aachen Dressage Youngstars 2022 - the Prize of BFT Cognis GmbH. And they did so clearly: They received 83.517 percent from the judges for their freestyle to the music of Star Wars. First hat trick.
With her victories in all three competitions, Rose also takes the title of Pony Champion 2022 presented by UVEX. And not for the first time: she also achieved this triumph in 2021 and 2019. Second hat trick thus.
"It is really amazing that Moony and I have managed to win the overall classification and all the individual competitions in Aachen again. It is special that Moony won the third time here. He is always fully involved and cooperates, I am very proud of him," Rose Oatley told.
Second behind Rose Oatley is Mia Allegra Lohe and Tovdal's Golden Future Imperial with exactly 79 percent. Julie Sofie Schmitz-Heinen and Chilly Morning WE take third place with 77.467 percent and make the German podium perfect.
Congratulating the winner: ALRV Supervisory Board member Dr. Thomas Förl and Guido Müller, Managing Director of BFT Cognos GmbH, with his daughters Maya (left) and Nina.

Dr. Thomas Förl presents the honorary prize from UVEX to the new Pony Champion.
Photos: Angelique Steffens